Deutsch Recent work

Physicist and Author

Physicist and Author

Werner Ebeling, born in 15.09.1936 in Bad Suderode, is Physicist, Author of scientific and popular books e.g. Chaos and Kosmos (Spektrum 1994), Physics of Selforganization and Evolution (Wiley 2011) with Rainer Feistel.

Physicist activities before 2001 at Universität Rostock and Humboldt Universität, recent activities at Madrid, Krakow and Rostock.


Author of popular and scientific books. Selected Pdf files may be obtained from the author. Apply to woebel(at)


Married to Barbara Ebeling born Kürschner and an old fisher house erected about in 1860 by the sailor Christoph Kraeft in Born/Darss. Children Thomas and Dagmar. The family Ebeling comes from the Harz mountains in the center of Germany.



  • woebel(at)